
Accessing the Data

There are several ways to access the dataset’s data. Note that all data is returned by reference, so altering the data is entirely possible.

function empty() : bool;

Returns true if the dataset is empty.

function count() : int;

Returns the number of records in the dataset. Also usable as count($set).

function fetch() : array;

Fetch the entire dataset. The returned array contains all records of the dataset, with the keys being the keys of the master dataset.

function first() : ?object;

Fetch the first element of the dataset. This is the element with the lowest key value. If the dataset is empty, null is returned.

function last() : ?object;

Fetch the last element of the dataset. This is the element with the highest key value. If the dataset is empty, null is returned.

function skip(int $n) : Dataset;

Skip the first $n records, and return a Dataset with the remaining records.

function limit(int $n) : Dataset;

Limit the dataset to the first $n records, and return a Dataset with these records.

function keys() ; array;

Return all keys of this dataset. The keys are always the same keys as the master dataset.